BPW Euroopa regiooni koordinaator Anu Viks

BPW Euroopa regiooni koordinaatori, Anu Viksi pöördumine.

General goal setting for 2022

Dear Presidents,

Year 2022 will be the year of possibilities as the societies will be
step by step opening after the Covid-19 crises and people are resuming
the enthusiasm of meeting each other in person.
The general strategic direction for BPW Europe in 2022 will be
increasing the visibility of BPW on the national and European level.
Visibility is the key to the healthy organization and increasing of the
membership. Through visibility we attract active women who are willing
to contribute to the key topics in Europe – Equal Pay Day, WEPs, Green
and Sustainable life.

BPW Europe has gained a great amount of visibility through our social
media channels – Meta (Facebook), webpage, Newsletter, Linkedin. Last
week the Meta posts reached 7470 members in the Europe and International
BPW. Through visibility, we can make the impact on the lives of women
and influence the societies.

Generating visibility, we can grow membership and retain members in
these Clubs who have been suffering during Covid time. Our biggest
strength are our members. The Calendar of Events on BPW Europe webpage
is a good tool to keep your members engaged and active by joining
virtual events carried out throughout Europe. Please keep sending the
dates of your webinars, seminars, conferences, and other activities to
the Communication Officer Sheerah Kim.

The main event of BPW Europe in 2022 in the 17th Regional Conference and
9th Young BPW Symposium in Reykjavik Iceland 27-29 May. BPW Iceland`s
Organization Committee and ECC are working hard to make it the
unforgettable event for all participants., The Conference will be set in
the mystic surrounding of Icelandic life and sagas, the wonders of the
nature and mysterious people of Iceland.

Come and participate in the Conference! https://bpwiceland2022.is/

The key speakers of the Conference are:

Helena Dalli – Equality Commissioner of European Commission and

the First Lady of Iceland Eliza Jane Reid.

The general goals for BPW Europe in 2022:

1.      Being the forefront in advocating and empowering women
2.      Successful Equal Pay Day campaigns in all member countries
3.      Well operating Working Groups and Networks of BPW Europe
4.      Gaining new active members through visibility and retaining existing
5.      Accessing new age groups through social media channels
6.      Using media to bring attention to BPW and women in Europe, their
visions and goals for future
7.      Developing projects on empowerment of women and funding possibilities
from EU Funds
8.      Creating eClubs, where members can join the events in the common
suitable time
9.      Reviewing, connecting, and updating the cooperation with other NGOs
in Europe
10.     Boosting the use and visibility BPW Europe website, Newsletter,
Event Calendar through key topics and messages.

Looking forward for your active participation in the work of BPW Europe!

With best wishes,
Anu Viks

Executive Member of BPW International
Regional Coordinator BPW Europe
2021 – 2024

Business Professional Women (BPW Europe aisbl)
EU Transparency Register: 836392015840-91

“Inclusion – Innovation – Inspiration”
through Commitment

Anu Viks paneeli juhtimas

Ülevaade 21.02.2022 toimuva  BPW Europe Presidentide miitingu päevakorrast:


1. Overview from the Regional Coordinator – Anu Viks – 10 min
2. Communication in BPW Europe – Communication Officer Sheerah Kim – 10
3. Updates to the 17th Regional Conference – Johanna Kristin Tomasdottir
-10 min
4. Updates to the 9th Young BPW Symposium – Sheerah Kim and Julia
Klausen -10 min
5. Introduction to the new Working Group – WEPs – Jurga Rimke President
of BPW Vilnius Chamber and Dovile Koncak Young BPW Member – 10 min
6. Overview of Equal Pay Day activities – EPD Working Group Chair Karine
Babule – 10 min
7. Introduction to the Earth Day Campaign on 22 April – Green and
Sustainable Working Group Chair – Siiri Tiivits-Puttonen – 10 min
8. Leadership and Lifelong Learning Task Force to become the BPW Europe
Working Group – introduction from the Chair Conny Montague
9. Introduction of possibilities to apply for project funding from
European Union institutions – Carlos Franco Uliaque the CEO and Founder
of Gestión Estratégica e Innovación (Spain)
10. Sharing best practice of an e-Club – BPW Germany
11. Open microphone

Kutsun kõiki EENA liikmeid liituma BPW Europe uudiskirjaga,

et olla kursis kõigi põnevate tegemiste ja projektidega.

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Tekst: Anu Viks

