EST // Please see information in English below!
Konverentsil arutleme naise rolli muutumise üle täna ja tulevikus ning julgustame naisi võtma suuremat vastutust oma elu- ja karjäärivalikute eest.
Pakume inspiratsiooni unistuste elluviimiseks ja toome eeskujuks omal alal silmapaistvaid naisi!
Osavõtutasu palume kanda MTÜ BPW Estonia arveldusarvele EE851010052032732009 selgitus “EENA30 konverents”
Kuni 30.oktoobrini on osavõtutasu 30€ ja novembris 35€.
Konverentsi kava ja rohkem infot EENA juubelitegemiste kohta leiab EENA kodulehelt
At the conference, we will discuss the changing role of women today and in the future, and encourage women to take greater responsibility for their life and career choices.
We offer inspiration to make dreams come true and we set an example of outstanding women in our field!
The participation fee is 30€ until the end of October.
From the 1st of November fee is 35€!
The participation fee should be transferred to the bank account of MTÜ BPW Estonia IBAN EE851010052032732009 reference “EENA30 Conference”
The schedule of the conference and more information about the anniversary of BPW Estonia can be found on the website